Undergoing laparoscopic gynae surgery in Thane at Dr. Sujata Rathod Clinic can be a transformative experience, relieving various health issues. Whether preparing for surgery or recovering, following the right advice is essential for a smooth journey towards better health. In this article, you can learn about the pre and post-operative guidance to ensure your laparoscopic surgery goes as smoothly as possible.

How to Prepare for Surgery?

In anticipation of your laparoscopic surgery, thorough physical and mental preparations are vital for a smooth and successful experience.

  • Dietary Preparations 

Your last meal should be consumed by 9 PM on the night before the surgery. Afterward, it is imperative to abstain from any further eating or drinking. This step ensures that your stomach remains empty, a crucial condition for a safe surgical procedure.

  • Mental Peace 

Achieving a state of mental tranquility is equally important. Rest assured that you are in safe hands at the clinic, under the care of an expert laparoscopic gynae surgeon in Thane. With their expertise and the clinic’s top-notch facilities, your well-being is the top priority. Prioritize a good night’s sleep to bolster your mental and physical resilience for the surgery ahead.

On the day of your surgery, follow these steps:

  • Medication 

Take anti-hypertensive (blood pressure) or thyroid medication at 7 AM with a small sip of water. Avoid eating or drinking anything after this unless your surgery is scheduled for the afternoon, and your doctor has given you permission to eat or drink.

  • Personal Hygiene 

Take a scrub bath and wash your hair in the morning. This step is crucial for maintaining cleanliness before surgery.

  • Hospital Admission 

Arrive at the hospital at the designated time to avoid administrative hassles. Once admitted, you’ll be guided to your patient room, where you’ll change into hospital attire before being transferred to the recovery room.

How to Recover after the Surgery?

After your laparoscopic surgery, your recovery is just as important as the procedure itself:

  • Medications 

Take your prescribed medications as instructed upon discharge. It is crucial for managing pain and ensuring a smooth recovery.

  • Physical Activity 

Surprisingly, you can resume normal activities fairly soon after laparoscopic surgery. You can climb stairs, use an Indian toilet, and start your daily routine immediately. The sooner you get moving, the faster your recovery will be.

  • Return to Work 

Doctors encourage patients to return to work immediately. The goal is to return to your daily routine and responsibilities without delay.

  • Wound Care 

You won’t have external stitches that need removal, but it’s essential to maintain proper hygiene. You can remove your waterproof dressing at home, bathe, and thoroughly clean the wound areas with soap and water.

  • Diet and Exercise 

Maintain a balanced diet and incorporate regular exercise into your routine. You can even consider joining a gym or doing aerobics just one week after your surgery.


Expert surgeons and comprehensive pre and post-operative guidance support your journey to better health through laparoscopic gynae surgery at Dr. Sujata Rathod Clinic. Following these instructions ensures a smooth and successful recovery, ultimately leading to improved well-being and a brighter future.