While not the most talked-about pregnancy woe (swollen feet and back pain, anyone?) itching, also known as pruritus, is a very common complaint. Some women experience itching all over, while others feel it specifically on certain body parts such as their hands, feet, belly, or chest.

Most itching is just downright annoying, but severe itching can lead to loss of sleep or even be a sign of a very serious medical problem. We’ll talk about what could be causing your itchy feet, some treatments you can try, and when to call your gynecologist in Thane West.


Pregnancy hormones, genetics and the environment may all play a role.• Hormones. Pregnancy hormones rise the closer you get to your due date. This may slow the flow of bile.

• Genes. Sometimes, the condition runs in families. Certain gene changes have been identified that may be linked to cholestasis of pregnancy.
• Environment. Although the exact environmental factors aren’t clear, risk varies by geographic location and season.

Treatments For Itchy Feet:

There are several different reasons why your feet may be itchy during pregnancy, including hormones, increased sweating, and experiencing skin conditions like psoriasis. These are not considered serious conditions, and can be managed with at-home comfort measures or doctor-approved medications.

For typical causes of itchy feet during pregnancy, there are several remedies you can try to get some relief and much-needed rest. These include:
Soothing oatmeal baths: This natural and effective remedy is simple to try at home — and what pregnant mama doesn’t need a nice soak in the tub? Do check with your gynecologist doctor in Bhiwandi, Thane West before you add essential oils to your soak, as some are not safe for pregnancy or can further irritate your skin.
Cold: Cool foot-baths, cold washcloths, or even ice packs wrapped in towels can be applied to your feet to help soothe itchy skin. Don’t apply ice for more than 15 minutes.
New socks : Loose-fitting socks made of natural, breathable fibers (such as cotton or even wool) can help keep feet from becoming sweaty and itchy.
Massage: A foot massage — performed by you, your partner, or any willing pal — may help distract your nerves and decrease itchiness. Just be sure to stroke gently and avoid acupressure points on your feet and around your ankles, as some spots may stimulate uterine contractions. (Talk to your OB-GYN if you have any questions about this, especially if you’re far from your due date.)
Moisturizer : A simple, unscented moisturizer such as cocoa butter, shea butter, or colloidal oatmeal can help soothe itchy feet. Check with your doctor before using any kind of topical medications, such as calamine lotion or lotion with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), as some may not be safe during pregnancy.
Medications: If your itchy feet are caused by eczema or psoriasis, check with your doctor before using medications, even if they are over the counter. Many of these meds are not safe to use during pregnancy, and your doctor can help find safer alternatives. One preferred treatment for psoriasis during pregnancy is ultraviolet B phototherapy. If your itchy feet are keeping you from sleeping, in spite of trying at-home remedies, your doctor may be able to recommend a mild sleep aid to help you rest in spite of the discomfort.

Pregnancy is a wonderful, bumpy (pun intended) ride. In addition to all of the excitement and anticipation, there may be some less-than-glamorous side effects along the way. One of these may be itchy feet. Itchy feet can be caused by a variety of hormonal and immunological changes that are normal during pregnancy. There are options to relieve your discomfort at home, such as oatmeal baths, cold packs, and moisturizers. If these aren’t effective, your obstetrics & gynecology specialist in Thane West may be able to help.