Have you been suffering from excessive vaginal discharge, itching, and burning sensation in your vagina? While there can be many causes of these issues, a common condition that results in these symptoms is Vaginitis. It’s important to see a ladies’ specialist doctor in Thane if you suspect any kind of infection or inflammation in your vagina.

Vaginitis can occur due to a bacterial infection or certain chemicals that might irritate your vagina. The condition can also be caused by certain types of clothes, organisms transferred from your partner to your vagina during sexual intercourse, or due to lack of estrogen.

Types of Vaginitis

Vaginitis is categorized into different types based on the causes. Here are the most common types:

Bacterial Vaginosis

When the pH balance of your vagina is imbalanced, the mix of bacteria living in your vagina might overgrow. It’s different from yeast infection in that the infection is caused by bacterial overgrowth and not the yeast. Although it doesn’t come in the sexually transmitted disease category, bacterial vaginosis is more common in women in their childbearing age or people who are sexually active.

Yeast Infection

The second most common cause of vaginitis is a yeast infection, which is caused by the fungus Candida. It’s found in your genitals, mouth, and digestive tract. However, the increased level of the fungus can lead to vaginitis. You might wonder if yeast is normal, how come it leads to an infection? There are good bacteria in your genitals, which are responsible for balancing the yeast growth. Certain antibiotics, pregnancy, and other medical conditions can kill these good bacteria, resulting in yeast overgrowth. 


Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease, which spreads from one infected person to another if they get into sexual contact. It’s caused by protozoa, a microorganism that can infect your vagina and cause itching and inflammation. 

Symptoms and Causes of Vaginitis

Diagnosis of vaginitis can be tricky, as the symptoms vary depending on the type of vaginitis. Here are the common symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese
  • Itchiness, redness, and inflammation in your vagina
  • An itching and burning sensation while urinating
  • Spotting or bleeding after sex 
  • Pain in the lower abdomen

The most common cause of vaginitis is the changes in the bacteria and fungus that naturally occur in your vagina. The overgrowth of these microorganisms can cause a vaginal infection. Other causes are sexually transmitted organisms, using products that have chemical irritants, low estrogen levels, etc.

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Treatment of Vaginitis

Medication can cure most types of vaginitis. Leaving it untreated for a long time in the hope that it will get better will only make it worse. It’s important to see an obstetrician in Thane to determine the root cause and type of vaginitis and complete the course of medication as prescribed by your doctor. See a healthcare provider immediately if your symptoms last for weeks, you are pregnant, or you are concerned about STIs due to multiple sexual partners.

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