Your weight plays an important role in your fertility. Women who are overweight or underweight often struggle to conceive, as the fat in your body might interfere with the reproductive hormones. A gynecologist in Thane suggests that the most crucial thing for a couple when planning a pregnancy is their health. Being overweight, whether it’s due to obesity or other medical conditions, can lead to various complications in your pregnancy. It also increases the risk of preterm birth and c-section

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Body Mass Index

Your BMI should be below 25. If it’s between 25 and 30, you are considered overweight; if it exceeds 30, it is obesity. You might wonder what’s the connection between your BMI and ovulation. Fat cells in your body produce a high level of estrogen, which negatively affects your menstrual cycle and ovulation period. 

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get pregnant when you are overweight, but comparatively harder because of the disrupted reproductive cycle. Basically, your hormonal imbalance causes irregular ovulation and menstrual cycles, which in turn, make it harder to conceive.

The risk is higher when you carry most of the weight around your abdomen. Precisely, if you are apple-shaped, you carry a high risk of disrupted ovulation. 

Complications of Being Overweight in Pregnancy

Obesity causes hormonal imbalance, which in turn, leads to a series of medical issues in women. This can affect your ability to conceive and deliver. Here are a few common complications of being overweight.

PCOS: Overweight women are at high risk of developing PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It’s a medical condition where your reproductive organs produce a high amount of male hormone androgen. Check out diet for PCOS.

Type 2 Diabetes: Your weight also increases your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, which makes conception harder. Some women develop gestational diabetes, which lasts only till their pregnancy, but can lead to many complications and an increased risk of miscarriage.

Preeclampsia: Another problem in obese or overweight people is preeclampsia, high blood pressure during pregnancy. Preeclampsia poses a threat to the mother and the baby’s life. Although medications can help bring your blood pressure under control, the only reliable way to prevent the risk of preeclampsia is by losing weight.

How to Lose Weight Before Pregnancy?

Consult the best gynecologist in Thane West to know how much weight you must lose for a healthy pregnancy. They will give you tips on how to shed those extra pounds (especially around your abdomen). If necessary, your gynecologist will refer you to a dietician. In the meantime, you must follow these tips for losing weight and getting in shape before pregnancy.

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Add whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and protein-rich foods to your diet.
  • Practice healthy exercises
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Make a transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit caffeine intake

If you want a healthy pregnancy, you need to lose weight. Obesity brings a set of challenges for pregnant women. Consult a dietician to get a proper diet plan.