Submucosal fibroids are benign growths found in the endometrium. They are less common than other types of fibroids but are associated with many complications, such as painful periods, excessive bleeding, and difficulty conceiving. Submucosal fibroid might not cause any discomfort in some women, but if symptoms persist, you may need a submucosal fibroid treatment in Patilpada Thane to increase your chances of fertility and ease your symptoms. 

Keep reading to learn more about submucosal fibroids, how they are treated, and their symptoms.

Causes and Symptoms of Submucosal Fibroids

Your age is the biggest factor that determines your level of risk of getting fibroids. People above 30 years are more likely to develop fibroids than adolescents and women in their early 20s. The age you get your first menstruation might also affect your risk level. 

If you get your first period before the age of 10, you are at a higher risk of developing fibroids later in life. Likewise, delayed menopause is associated with a higher risk of fibroids. The fibroids might automatically shrink once you have reached menopause.

The risk of developing uterine fibroids is 3x higher in women who have a family history of this benign growth. Moreover, overweight and obese people are more likely to develop submucosal fibroids than people with normal weight.

Here are the common symptoms of submucosal fibroids:

  • Heavy bleeding during periods
  • Lower back pain
  • Anemia (caused by severe blood loss)
  • Bleeding accompanied by blood clots
  • Fatigue

A fibroid can be a single benign growth or a group of them. Their size can vary from a small lentil to a huge watermelon. However, no matter the size, shape, and location of the fibroids, they are benign or non-cancerous growth that is usually confined to your uterus.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Submucosal Fibroids

Fibroid growth is diagnosed during your routine pelvic exam. For a clear picture of the fibroid, the gynecologist might run imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI.

Fibroids do not need treatment unless they are causing pain and heavy or prolonged bleeding. Your healthcare provider will ask you to wait to see if the fibroid shrinks on its own. This usually happens once you have reached menopause. You might be advised certain supplements that help control the symptoms, like iron supplements for iron deficiency due to heavy bleeding and painkillers for painful menstruation. 

Surgical Procedures

Surgical fibroid removal treatment at Pokhran Road in Thane, also called myomectomy, is an invasive procedure that removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. The procedure can be performed laparoscopically (for small fibroids) or a large cut can be made on your abdomen for an open surgery. This is effective for large fibroids and a cluster of them. 

Uterine fibroid embolization is another procedure that shrinks fibroids and improves up to 90% of your symptoms. The procedure blocks the blood supply to the fibroid, depriving them of the blood and the essential nutrients required to grow. If you do not plan on conceiving later, it’s best to get a hysterectomy—surgical removal of the uterus.

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