Molar pregnancy is a condition when the placenta does not develop normally. It may happen when sperm and egg join together at fertilization. Molar pregnancy may cause complications; thus, it is essential to consult with the expert Dr. Sujata Rathod, the best molar pregnancy treatment doctor in Thane

What is Molar Pregnancy? 

A molar pregnancy occurs when sperm and egg join incorrectly at fertilization and form a noncancerous tumor in the uterus. A fluid-filled tumor may stop the embryo’s development, sometimes leading to miscarriage. However, if miscarriage does not occur in molar pregnancy, your doctor may suggest removing the pregnancy to avoid future pregnancy complications. Molar pregnancy is also known as hydatidiform moles or (GTD) gestational trophoblastic disease. 

What are the Different Types of Molar Pregnancy? 

Molar pregnancy falls into two different types, which are partial molar pregnancy and comply molar pregnancy. In a partial molar pregnancy, an abnormal placental form occurs with an embryo, and the fetus may not survive. Placentals may have both regular and irregular tissue. On the other hand, there is no embryo form in complete molar pregnancy, and sperm fertilizes an empty egg. In this condition, the placenta may develop but in an abnormal state and may contain fluid-filled tumors. 

Common Symptoms of Molar Pregnancy 

A person with molar pregnancy may experience the following symptoms. 

  • Vomiting 
  • Severe nausea 
  • Pelvic pain or pressure 
  • Grape-like cysts out of the vagina 
  • Bright red or dark brown bleeding in the first trimester. 
  • Abnormal swelling 
  • Ovarian cysts 
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Anemia 
  • High HCG levels 
  • High blood pressure 

Causes Lead to Molar Pregnancy 

Molar pregnancy may occur due to abnormal egg fertilization. It may be caused due to genetic disorders. In usual pregnancy, an embryo gets 46 chromosomes from both parents, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father, and its proper structure contains genes. However, in molar pregnancies, the embryo has an imbalance of chromosomes, or the egg may contain no chromosomes, or the egg may be fertilized by 2 sperms which results in 69 chromosomes. An imbalance of chromosomes during pregnancy causes a mole and molar pregnancy. This genetic disorder causes an unsuccessful pregnancy and may sometimes cause miscarriage.  

How to Treat Molar Pregnancy? 

It would be best to consult with a pregnancy gynecologist during the initial stage of pregnancy. Specialists suggest surgical treatment to remove molar pregnancies from the body safely. The treatment for molar pregnancies may include dilation and curettage with suction to remove uterine tumors. However, some doctors may also use medication to remove molar pregnancy.. If you are also looking for expert treatment for molar pregnancy surgery in Thane, you must consult Dr. Sujata Rathod to get the best treatment for all pregnancy-related issues.   


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of molar pregnancy, then it would be best to talk with the molar pregnancy specialist, who will help you to offer immediate care and treatment plans to prevent future complications. Doctors may suggest an extended treatment plan and precautions to eliminate further issues. Pregnancy care providers may also suggest you wait for the next pregnancy for a minimum of six months to a year after molar pregnancy surgery.