Bringing home a new baby is one of the most physically and mentally exhausting yet the most joyful things anyone can do. Babies constantly require so much care and attention that self-care for mom often falls on the back burner of the never-ending list of things to do. Gynecologist in Bhiwandi, Thane suggest following self care that a new mom should know.

The first few weeks with a new baby are a huge adjustment, recovery, and settling-in period for both the mom and baby. Having items that aid in postpartum recovery and breastfeeding are most important. New moms also need things that will allow them to rest and take care of themselves, hard as that might be with a baby. That’s why, in addition to regular exercises, monitoring your diet is essential to receive the required nutrition without overeating.

To begin with, here are some home remedies that help regain your strength and get back in shape after delivery.

Eat a variety of foods. Try to eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, grains, protein foods and diary each day.

Drink plenty of liquids. Your body needs lot of fluid (about 6-10 glasses a day) especially if you are breastfeeding your baby. Drink mostly water, milk, and fruit juice.

Eat foods that have protein such as milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish and beans. Protein rich foods are important to help you recover from childbirth and keep your body strong. If you are under 18, or were underweight prior to pregnancy, you need to eat more protein.

Eat your fruits and vegetables. Try to make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy. They also have fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Make sure to wash fruits and vegetables under running cold water before eating them.

Lose weight safely. Talk to your doctor about safely losing weight after your baby is born. Losing weight too quickly can affect your breast milk supply. Do not take diet pills. They contain harmful drugs that can be passed to your baby through breast milk.

Take prenatal vitamins. If you are breastfeeding, it is a good idea to continue to take your prenatal vitamins. Your doctor can prescribe these pills so that your health insurance will cover a portion of the cost.

Limit junk foods. Soda pop, cookies, donuts, potato chips and french fries are okay sometimes, but don’t let them take the place of healthy foods!

Exercise After Pregnancy

Once your gynecologist in Thane says it is okay to start exercising, there are many ways to be active.

Walking is a great way to exercise because it puts very little stress on your body. Your baby will probably enjoy being walked in a stroller too. Try walking briskly for 20-30 minutes every day or at least 3 times per week. Meet with a friend or other new moms to go walking. It’s good to get out of the house and connect with friends or other new mothers. You will enjoy the chance to talk about your baby or to just be with other adults!

Exercise classes are another fun way to get in shape and sometimes you can find a class that will include your baby. For example, look for a mom and baby yoga class in your area.

While you go through a whirlwind of physiological and psychological changes as a new mother, it’s essential to stay strong and fit to take care of your baby better. That’s why, it’s important to be mindful of your daily routine and consult a gynaecologist right after your delivery.