Endometriosis is the unusual growth of the tissues outside your uterus or on the uterine wall. This tissue is normally found inside the uterine lining and gets thicker as you reach close to ovulation. 

It is these tissues that bleed during menstruation. If you are diagnosed with this condition, reach out to a gynecologist for endometriosis treatment in Thane West and learn more about its impact on your fertility.

Heavy periods, painful cramps, pain in the lower back, and periods that last long are some common symptoms of endometriosis. But can endometriosis cause infertility? Keep reading to know the connection. 

Check out: How Do I Check For Endometriosis?

Endometriosis and Fertility

The endometrium tissues can grow outside your uterus and behave just like the normal endometrial tissues. They might get thicker and bleed eventually, causing extreme bleeding during and in between your menstrual cycles. 

Endometriosis can cause infertility by growing into the ovaries or obstructing your fallopian tubes, making it challenging for the woman to conceive. The condition doesn’t cause infertility, but it can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. That being said, some women might face no difficulty getting pregnant despite getting diagnosed with endometriosis.

How Does It Affect Your Fertility?

The larger the number of endometrium tissues growing outside the uterus, the higher the risk of them blocking your reproductive organs. Here’s what it does.

  • Scars or blocks your fallopian tubes, making it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg.
  • Results in hormonal imbalance
  • Pelvic inflammation 
  • Irregular menstrual cycle 
  • Affects egg growth

Professionals have divided endometriosis into several stages, with stage one being classified as mild and stage IV as severe. Since it’s a progressive condition, endometriosis might worsen. The patches keep growing and getting bigger. They can damage your reproductive organs, thus leading to infertility.

How To Manage Endometriosis: Options For Relief

Fertility Treatment Options for Endometriosis

Fortunately, treatment for endometriosis can help women in their childbearing age to conceive without complications. You can head to the gynecologist or a fibroid removal specialist in Thane to discuss your treatment options. It usually depends on the stage of endometriosis and where it is growing. 

For those diagnosed with stage I endometriosis, there’s usually no treatment required for getting pregnant. You might conceive without any medical assistance. But if you see no results after trying for 6-12 months, check with your doctor. They might perform a laparoscopy where they insert a camera inside your abdomen through an incision to get a clear picture of the size, location, and number of the lesions. If required, they will remove the lesion right away.

If you have a severe case of endometriosis or you are above 35 years, the doctor might recommend IVF. In this treatment, the doctor injects a medication that triggers egg growth, which is then harvested and fertilized with the sperm. The resulting embryo is then implanted in the woman’s uterus.

Pregnancy with endometriosis can be difficult if there’s noticeable structural damage in the uterus. It also increases the risk of babies born with lower-than-recommended weight. Discuss your delivery options with the gynecologist to know the risk factors and suitable treatments.

Also Read: Can Uterine Fibroids Harm My Pregnancy?