Also called menorrhagia, abnormal uterine bleeding can occur for several reasons, but it’s often a sign of menopause in women in their late 40s. If your period is heavier than normal, lasts longer than a week, and releases blood clots, you might be experiencing abnormal menstrual bleeding. Consult a doctor for heavy bleeding of the uterus in Thane to discuss your treatment options. It’s important to identify the underlying cause of this heavy bleeding so that you can plan your treatment accordingly. For example, if you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you may need complete uterus removal. 

Causes and Symptoms of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

While many women experience excessive bleeding, it doesn’t always need medical help. A good way to identify if you’re experiencing excessive bleeding is to see if you are unable to execute your routine chores effectively. The excess blood loss with unbearable menstrual cramps can affect your work and personal life.

The most common cause of abnormal bleeding is menopause or the hormonal changes that a teen experiences at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Here are other common causes of menorrhagia:

  • Hyperplasia 
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Birth control pills
  • Uterine or cervical cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • An inherited medical condition that might cause excess bleeding and clotting
  • Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or other complications in pregnancy
  • Certain medications

You know it’s heavier and abnormal uterine bleeding when you go from changing tampons from 6 hours to 1 hour every day for several days. Some women use kids’ diapers to soak blood. Women who may experience bleeding in between their periods or heavy bleeding during menstruation must see a gynecologist immediately, as this might indicate an underlying condition, such as fibroid growth. The heavy bleeding is often accompanied by blood clots 1-inch in diameter. This blood loss results in fatigue and anemia. 

Is Hysterectomy the Best Treatment for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

If you don’t plan to conceive, a hysterectomy is the most viable option for uterine bleeding. A uterus removal surgery means you can no longer become pregnant. So, it’s often seen as the last resort to treat heavy bleeding. Myomectomy — a procedure that removes the uterine fibroid — can help if you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids. The laparoscopic myomectomy surgery in Thane is the best treatment to get rid of the fibroids that cause heavy bleeding. If it’s a more complex issue, such as uterine or cervical cancer, then your best bet is a hysterectomy. 

This may work wonders for people who have tried all possible treatments, but nothing has worked. If the heavy bleeding is causing a negative impact on your routine life and other health problems, you should consider a hysterectomy. It can be performed via a laparoscope, too. Depending on the severity of the issue, your gynecologist might remove the uterus leaving fallopian tubes and the ovaries intact. Or, they might remove one or both ovaries during hysterectomy. Ask your doctor if you are an ideal candidate for uterus removal, what the risks are, and how soon you can resume your routine lifestyle.