
Pregnancy is an exhilarating experience for females as they prepare to welcome a newfangled life into the world. Yet, it comes with the challenges and problems that a female is most likely to face during pregnancy. One of which is often called the pregnancy brain.

What is Pregnancy Brain?

Pregnancy brain is defined by the forgetfulness of things, having trouble concentrating things, and a usual logic of brain fog. Pregnancy brain momnesia or baby brain are the standings that are used to define the intellectual changes during pregnancy. Not all women may face pregnancy brain, but still, it’s a very commonly found phenomenon.

At What Time Does Pregnancy Brain Start?

The nurture of the pregnant brain typically varies from woman to woman. For some, it may begin in the first trimester, while others can notice it in the second or third trimester. Gynec In Vartak Nagar, Thane, treats women with pregnancy brains. Nevertheless, the timing can be based on factors like hormonal instabilities, stress levels and pre-existing cognitive abilities.

Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

One of the utmost distended issues caused by the pregnancy brain is the notable hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout pregnancy. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone assist as an important means of harmonizing pregnancy and evolving the body for childbirth. Further, these hormonal changes may disturb the working of the brain and may lead to memory lapses and cognitive shifts. Dr Sujata Rathod offers remedies to avoid the occurrence of memory lapses and cognitive shifts.

Changes in Brain Structure and Function

Studies have shown that pregnancy can originate physical and functional changes in the brain. Research using Neuroimaging studies also revealed changes in brain regions related to memory, emotion and decision-making during pregnancy. Some studies also suggest specific brain regions, such as those in memory and executive function, may go through changes. These changes are temporary and can be adapted with the help of suitable treatments.

Psychological Factors Contributing to Pregnancy Brain

Emotional and psychological factors like stress, anxiety and mood swings can have an impact on cognitive abilities. These factors have an important role. Moreover, disturbance in sleep and other common aspects of pregnancy increases cognitive challenges.

Coping Strategies for Pregnancy Brain

Try these tips if you are suffering from a severe case of pregnancy brain where you seem to be forgetting even trivial things required for your day-to-day life. Visit the Obstetrician In Thane for further details.

1. Make a journal in which you write down everything that you want or can’t afford to forget. Try checking the list regularly.

2. Carry a prompt gadget like a smartphone and set alarms that will remind you of things which you are planning to do at different times.

3. Eat a well-stable diet and get adequate sleep. Rise your nutrient intake and adapt to a proper bedtime routine.


Pregnancy brain is a common experience faced by the mainstream of women during their pregnancy. It is like an illness of forgetting and having difficulty concentrating. The occurrence of pregnancy differs from woman to woman. However, it is suggested to treat the issue with the help of proper healthcare specialists like Dr. Sujata Rathod to avoid its longer effects.