Adenomyosis refers to the abnormal growth of the endometrium in the muscle wall of your uterus, resulting in an enlarged and expanded uterus. As a result, your uterus might double and triple in size. Adenomyosis can cause heavy and painful periods, pelvic pain, clotting, and prolonged periods. Many women with Adenomyosis do not experience any symptoms at all. Some might confuse it with other conditions like endometriosis or fibroids, because of the similar symptoms. Doctors for endometriosis treatment in Thane can detect Adenomyosis and recommend a suitable treatment.

Causes and Symptoms of Adenomyosis

Researchers haven’t figured out the exact cause of Adenomyosis, but it’s believed the condition is associated with hormones, genetics, and inflammation. The condition is more common in women who have had a procedure on their uterus or are over 40 years old. Plus, those who have given birth at least once or have had dilation and curettage are at increased risk. Here are a few common symptoms of Adenomyosis:

  • Painful period
  • Pelvic pain
  • Heavy bleeding with a prolonged period
  • Heavy and enlarged uterus
  • Pain during sex
  • Bloated abdomen

When You Must See a Doctor

Adenomyosis can worsen over time. Painful periods and heavy bleeding can lead to anemia, which may eventually cause fatigue and other issues. Although it doesn’t cause cancer or it isn’t cancerous, it’s best to see a doctor if you experience the symptoms and get checked at the earliest. Sometimes, the symptoms of uterine cancer can be confused with Adenomyosis.


Your gynac doctor in Thane will conduct a pelvic test to identify an enlarged uterus. They will feel the uterus to know if it’s larger than normal or if you experience pain. They might recommend a transvaginal ultrasound, which produces pictures of your uterus and might show the enlarged uterine wall. For a more accurate diagnosis, they might order an MRI. 

Based on the diagnosis, they might conduct a biopsy where they take a sample of the tissue from the affected area to rule out the possibility of a more serious condition, like cancer.

Adenomyosis Treatment

Adenomyosis can be resolved on its own after menopause. That’s because the hormone estrogen makes it worse. Once its production starts declining, the growth of the endometrium also slows down. Until then, these treatment options can help ease the symptoms:

  • Pain Medication: NSAIDs can help relieve pelvic pain and cramping. 
  • Hormonal Medication: If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, hormonal medication might help.
  • Adenomyomectomy: A surgical procedure that removes the endometrium growth outside the uterus. It’s similar to myomectomy, which removes fibroids and leaves the uterus intact. 
  • Hysterectomy: The last resort is hysterectomy. If you do not plan on conceiving in the future, it’s the best way to get rid of Adenomyosis and all its symptoms. Hysterectomy is the removal of your uterus. 

Although the symptoms usually go away after menopause, your uterus might still be enlarged. Adenomyosis isn’t a life-threatening condition, but the symptoms can make your lifestyle worse. It’s best to seek treatment if you experience heavy bleeding, painful periods, prolonged periods, and other symptoms of Adenomyosis. 

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