A study shows that early pregnancy loss is not a rare occurrence, and it occurs due to numerous factors. It is important in this article to look at the causes of miscarriage and the treatment that is available for it, especially in Thane, Maharashtra. This will ensure that people get informed and be keen on taking precautions as well as consulting experienced doctors in case the need arises.

Genetic abnormalities 

Many times, miscarriage happens due to some genetic defects in the growing baby which makes it not possible for the baby to develop properly. Some examples are incorrect an number of chromosomes like an extra or missing chromosome, or defects in a single gene. Such genetic issues are not usually cause for concern for future pregnancies.

Cervical issues 

The cervix, which is normally tightly closed during early pregnancy, may be weak or open early for some women. Any infection or small injury to the cervix can allow early opening and cause the baby to miscarry. Doctors check the cervix during early miscarriage treatment in Thane.

Hormonal imbalances 

Hormones play a key role right from conception till delivery. Any small imbalance, especially in the early weeks, can disrupt the sensitive developing pregnancy. Conditions like thyroid issues, diabetes or progesterone deficiency are linked to repetitive miscarriages and require proper hormonal treatment from experienced doctors.

Trauma or injury 

Any fall, blow to the abdomen or pelvic trauma during the initial months has potential to trigger miscarriage through internal bleeding. While such traumatic causes are quite rare, it is always better to consult a maternity doctor in Thane right away for an examination if bleeding or pain starts after any injury during early pregnancy.

Recurrence risk 

Women with a history of two or more miscarriages have an increased chance of another loss and are classified as having recurrent early miscarriage. Specialized doctors for miscarriage treatment in Thane thoroughly evaluate such cases for any underlying cause to be addressed to reduce the recurrence risk.

Treatment for miscarriage 

The treatment depends on how far along the pregnancy is and whether miscarriage occurred naturally or needs medical intervention. Options may include medical management with medications to help complete the miscarriage, minimally invasive procedures like suction and curettage for retained tissue removal or surgical Dilation and Curettage under anaesthesia in some cases.

Uterine problems 

The shape or positioning of the uterus also may cause miscarriage. Issues like fibroids, polyps or any malformations in the uterus can interfere with normal pregnancy. Doctors screen for any such uterine abnormalities during early pregnancy miscarriage treatment in Thane to rule out physical causes.


While miscarriage is common but often unavoidable, addressing known causes and providing prompt treatment helps reduce the chances of recurrence. Consulting experienced doctors for early pregnancy miscarriage treatment in Thane helps in ruling out causes, resolving any existing issues and preparing the body for a healthy ongoing pregnancy. Following a healthy lifestyle and looking out for health risks and complications also play a role. With medical care and care, the chances of a successful pregnancy increase.