The first trimester of pregnancy is all about morning sickness, loss of appetite, and fatigue. The sudden fluctuation in your hormones can lead to nausea, which may result in loss of appetite. The fatigue is often accompanied by acid reflux and digestive issues that make it difficult for a pregnant woman to eat food rich in essential nutrients. 

Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and other essential nutrients play an integral part in keeping you and the fetus in good condition. It’s advisable to consult the best lady gynec doctor in Thane to get a better idea of what to eat and avoid in the first trimester. In the meantime, let’s check out the list of some healthy and nutritious foods you can add to your diet.

Folate-Rich Foods

Your body requires extra folate during pregnancy than usual. It is recommended that you take 400 mcg of a folic acid tablet daily for the first few weeks of pregnancy. This is prescribed apart from foods rich in folate. 

Folic acid prevents neural tube defects in your baby. Simply put, getting enough folate before getting pregnant or after you’ve conceived can help prevent several types of birth defects in children, especially the ones associated with their brain and spine development. Eggs, legumes, citrus fruits, and leafy green vegetables are a few examples of folate-rich foods.

Also Read: Vitamin D Deficiency And Pregnancy: All You Need To Know

Vitamin B6 

A pregnant woman needs 10mg to 25mg of vitamin B6 during the first trimester. It’s primarily used to prevent morning sickness and is considered safe for the mother and the fetus. Foods rich in vitamin B6 have proven quite beneficial for those experiencing nausea and vomiting. It’s believed that vitamin B6 helps process different types of proteins. It’s also found that women with nausea and vomiting were found to have lower levels of vitamin B6. 


Rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants, fruits make an integral part of your pregnancy diet, especially for the first 2-3 months. However, you need to select fruits that are safe for you and the baby. Three servings of fruit a day are sufficient mostly. You can eat them raw or add them to salad and dessert for a better taste. Note that papaya, pineapple, and grapes are a big no for the entire duration of your pregnancy for obvious reasons. 

Dairy Products

Gynaecologist in Kasarvadavali Thane recommend dairy products for pregnant women, as they are a rich source of healthy vitamins and calcium. Dairy products are a must in the first trimester, except for women who are lactose intolerant. In that case, you might have to consult your gynaecologist and switch to non-dairy foods offering the same nutrients.

Check Out : Importance Of Eating Well During Pregnancy

What to Avoid?

The first trimester of pregnancy carries high risk, which explains why doctors recommend you watch out for your food intake and avoid foods that can pose threat to your and the baby’s health. Here are a few examples of foods that are unsafe during pregnancy.

  1. Undercooked food
  2. Raw food
  3. Unwashed vegetables
  4. Certain fruits
  5. Too much caffeine

For more information about healthy and unhealthy foods for pregnancy, talk to your gynaecologist in Majiwada, Thane.