Menstruation in women starts during a girl’s adolescent years, i.e. when she is 14-15 years old, and lasts until 40-50 years. By the time you reach menopause, your period gets irregular until your menstrual cycle stops completely. You enter menopause once you miss your period for a year. This is when your fertility declines and you can no longer conceive. 

Consulting a menstrual treatment specialist in Thane is your best bet if you are experiencing severe symptoms of menopause. Let’s see what happens during this period and how you can manage your symptoms.

A Brief on Perimenopause

While menopause has similar symptoms in most women, everybody goes through different phases and experiences when it comes to menstruation and menopause. Some women experience hot flashes, while others notice excess bleeding and heavy periods. The time before menopause is called perimenopause.

The journey from perimenopause to menopause is usually 4 years long but can go on for 10 years in some women. You enter this phase when the production of estrogen declines. Women might enter perimenopause as early as 30 years.

Symptoms of Perimenopause

Women don’t go into menopause directly. Instead, they experience perimenopause, which is a transition period leading to menopause. During this time, your body prepares to stop releasing the eggs altogether. Women experience the same symptoms in perimenopause as in menopause, except for the bleeding. The decline in your estrogen levels doesn’t stop bleeding. Here’s what you might experience.

  1. Extreme fatigue
  2. Reduced sex drive
  3. Heavy and irregular menstruation
  4. Hot flashes
  5. Mood swings

Irregular period is one of the most common signs of perimenopause. As you reach this stage, your menstrual cycle becomes irregular and you might get a period every few days or a cycle that lasts longer than 10 days. Your fertility declines by this time, but it’s still possible to conceive during perimenopause. Get menopause treatment in Thane from a fertility specialist or a gynecologist.

What Happens After Perimenopause?

Perimenopause starts in your mid-40s, although it can start early in some women. Your period stops within 5-10 years of perimenopause. During this time, you might experience either heavy bleeding or missed periods. 

You might not get your periods for 2-3 months straight. While there’s a chance of pregnancy, it’s most likely the symptom of perimenopause. The decline in estrogen levels affects your odds of conceiving. It also causes many unpleasant symptoms, both physical and mental. Mood swings, for example, are quite common for women undergoing menopause.

How Can You Cope With the Symptoms?

You can discuss the symptoms with a gynecologist to figure out the most suitable solution. Or, home remedies are also pretty effective in helping you cope with menstrual symptoms. Here’s what may work.

  • A healthy and balanced diet consisting of whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and healthy fats.
  • Practice a healthy sleep routine 
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  • Practice stress-relieving exercises, including meditation and yoga.

Hormone therapy can help in some cases, but it carries risks. The best you can do is talk to your healthcare provider about the most appropriate treatment for perimenopause.

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