1. Can pregnancy be confirmed only based on symptoms?
    Confirmation of pregnancy is done by lab investigations like blood test & ultrasound.
  2. Can the urine test be wrong?
    Occasionally urine test can be false positive or false negative.
  3. Is there any blood test to confirm pregnancy?
    Serum bhcg is the test to confirm pregnancy
  4. How can one calculate the due date?
    Expected date of delivery can be calculated by adding 7 to the date & adding 9 to the month of the last menstrual cycle.
  5. Why does one vomit during the early stages of pregnancy?
    Vomitting during early pregnancy is generally due to changes in the hormone levels & presence of hcg hormone
  6. Are mood disturbances common?
    Yes pregnancy does cause irritability in early stages.
  7. Is there a tendency for constipation during pregnancy?
    Constipation during pregnancy can be due to poor eating habits in early pregnancy & due to supplement s like iron tablets.
  8. What are the causes for fainting and dizziness?
    Low haemoglobin,nausea ,vomitting can cause dizziness
  9. Why do leg cramps occur?
    Leg cramps can b due to fatigue , calcium ,magnesium deficiency,pressure on nerves due to growing uterus
  10. Can I confirm pregnancy by a home test? When should I see doctor?
    Pregnancy can be detected by home pregnancy test. Patient should see the doctor immediately for further investigations and starting basic medicines.
  11. A regular menstrual urine test done on the 35th day was negative but by the 45th day is confirmed?
    Women with irregular menstrual cycle is likely to have pregnancy test positive later than 30 days.
  12. Why does one feel uncomfortable in the chest for most parts of the day?
    Feeling uncomfortable in the chest during pregnancy can be because of acidity cause by vomiting, increasing the breast size due to pregnancy hormones.
  13. What are stretch marks?
    Stretch marks are caused by increase in the size of the abdomen because of the growing pregnancy, which causes stretching of the skin.
  14. What causes backache?
    Backache pregnancy can be because of calcium and vitamin D deficiency, poor posture, fatigue.
  15. What causes itching?
    Causes of itching of abdomencan be dry skin. Vaginal itching needs to be investigated
  16. What causes swollen hands and feet?
    Swollen hands and feet can be because of rise in the blood pressure, poor protein intake, low hemoglobin
  17. Can I have intercourse during pregnancy?
    Intercourse during pregnancy will be allowed only after consultation of your treating doctor
  18. What are the effects of alcohol, smoking during pregnancy?
    Alcohol and smoking should be completely stopped in pregnancy as it may lead to low birth weight babies intrauterine growth retardation.
  19. What is the recommended diet during pregnancy?
    Recommended diet during pregnancy should be the diet which is prescribed by your dietician after going through your investigations, food habits ,cravings .
  20. What are the exercises that one can do?
    Maintaining a active lifestyle during pregnancy which would include short walks and few stretching exercise under the guidance of trainer who deals with antenatal exercises.
  21. Should one travel during pregnancy?
    Traveling during pregnancy is permissible only if your treating doctor allows you.
  22. What is a Problem Pregnancy or an Ectopic pregnancy?
    Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy which is at any other site other than the cavity of the uterus.
  23. Can I know more about Abortion (Miscarriage)?
    Abortion is any pregnancy which is terminated spontaneously or by one’s own wish before 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  24. What is Preterm labour?
    Labour pains occuring before 37 weeks of pregnancy is termed as preterm labour
  25. Why is there a raised BP during pregnancy?
    Raised BP during pregnancy occurs in a condition known as pregnancy induced hypertension.